Monday, September 25, 2006

iTunes 7 still sucks.

Waiting it out has proven fruitless. I'm tired of hoping Apple will patch the program so it works. To their credit, they have posted some workarounds for the problems folks are having, but seriously. No one should have to "work around" anything when you release an update like this.

The suggestions to fix the problem haven't worked for me. The main thing I use iTunes for at home is playing music in the background while I play games. Sound from the game and sound from iTunes have a fundamental disagreement they didn't have in version 6.

Oh, and get this: They have the cahones to tell me the problem is with the other programs I have running (see the very last bullet point on the page). Gee, the only change to my system is the new version of YOUR program, and you're telling me the problem is with everything else? I'd say "nice try," but it isn't, really.

Needless to say, I have reverted to an older version until the damn thing works for me.


Anonymous said...

The problem seems to be that other companies you have purchased products from have not planned for forward compatiability with our products. As our products are inherently superior to any other companies products we have automatically uninstalled the following products for you:
"City of Heroes"

SpuneDagr said...

Thank goodness they're on the ball. That response was quite thoughtful of them.