Friday, September 08, 2006

Sears Repair and Service Center

I bought a reconditioned weedwacker at Sears, after giving up on the other one. This new one didn't work either - it would idle for a few seconds, then just shut off. Lame. I called Sears a few times during the week, and they never answered. Turns out they close at 5, so there was no way I could get there until the weekend.

Saturday, I drove back to the store with the machine in the back seat...

Dave enters the store, carrying a weedwacker. He waits in line at the counter for a couple minutes.

Polite But Entirely Unhelpful Lady: How may I help you?
Me: I bought this a week ago and it dun't work. Could I get it fixed or replaced?
Lady: Sure. We can send it up to [God knows where] to get repaired for you. Just fill out this work order.
Me: Okay. (hands over the machine, fills out the form)
Lady: Alright, we'll give you a call on the 16th (two weeks from now).
Me: The 16th?
Lady: Yes. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Me: No. That'll do it. Thank you.

Dave leaves, disappointed. What a load of crap. He gets in the car and drives to the parking lot exit. Hmm. I wonder what Erin will say when I come home with nothing, claiming we might hear back in two weeks.. Dave does a U-turn and parks the car again, walks back inside.

Polite But Entirely Unhelpful Lady: May I help you?
Me: Bet you're real happy to see me, huh?
Lady: ...
Me: Could I just exchange it now instead of waiting two weeks for repairs?
Lady: I'm sorry, but if there's a problem with a product we have to get it repaired.
Me: Are you sure I can't just trade it for one of those over there? They're pretty much the same thing.
Lady: I'm sorry but I can't do that.
Me (getting irritated): Look, I bought this last week with the understanding that it would work. Now you're telling me I have to wait another two weeks just to use the machine I already purchased?
Lady: I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.
Me: *sigh* Okay. Thanks.

Dave gets back in the car, quite annoyed. He drives once around the parking lot, then realizes he has the reciept in his back pocket. He reads it gleefully, stops the car, and goes back into the store for the last time.

Me: This is the last time you'll see me today. I promise.
Polite But Entirely Unhelpful Lady: What I can I do for you?
Me: Could I get a refund please. (not a question)
Lady: Sure. (does all that is required for the refund)
Me: Thank you. (walks over to the rack of weedwackers, picks one out and brings it to the counter)
I'd like to buy this weedwacker.
Lady: (completes the transaction - turns out this one was ten dollars less than the other)
Have a good weekend, sir.
Me: Thank you.


Anonymous said...

A winner is you, you thrifty shopper you!

Anonymous said...

holy crap, I laughed so hard, espresso came out my nose. it burned. that pretty much killed the funny.

SpuneDagr said...

Hehe. Erin thought it was a pretty good story too.

Jimy viktan said...

haha,you really make me laugh! that was quite a funny story.
mine experience was really great with sears appliance repair service.
but thank you for such a nice blog!