Friday, September 08, 2006

Painting the Bathroom

From the moment we bought the house, Erin was itching to repaint our purple bathroom. I told her to wait a little bit, until we got settled in. Such was our Labor Day project. We went out to the store, bought the supplies we needed, including some quick-dry spackle for the nail and screw holes all over the walls.

While Erin put up the tape to block the trim and ceiling, I drilled a new hole for the light fixture. The lights and medicine cabinet were too low - I had to lean over to see my face in the mirror! So we needed to move everything up about five inches. I drilled a great big hole five inches above the existing great big hole and set about getting the exposed wires where they needed to be. When wiring the cable and speakers for the living room, I had bent a wire coat hanger into a hook to pull cords through a small hole, so I figured I'd give it a shot here. It took some work (including making a second hook to grab and pull the other hook through the hole), but it totally worked.

Then we painted. Erin got these "paint pads" that work quite well on the wall edges. Then we used the roller for the rest. It really wasn't bad at all.

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