Friday, June 29, 2007

Eastern Standard Time: Day 1

My vacation started June 21st. I was going to fly out to see my friend, a grad student at Princeton, NJ.

After a short hop to O'hare, I would catch my connecting flight to Newark three hours later. I waited around for two hours and, on a whim, asked the fellow at the gate desk if my flight was still on time. He informed me that it had been canceled and I should check with so-and-so at some desk somewhere.

Turned out they transfered me to a flight that had already left. Suck. The best I could do was get on another one early the next morning. I called my sister, who thankfully lives in the Chicagoland area, and she picked me up. Unfortunately, she couldn't drive me in the morning so I had to call a cab to take me back to the airport.

1 comment:

C. Douglas said...

What an exciting travelogue you have posted! I assume the other days of your trip are forthcoming? Because it makes little sense to post only one day of a trip on a blog!