Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The 1984 film Ghostbusters has Rick Moranis spew forth the following insane rant:

"During the rectification of the Vuldronaii the Traveler came as a large, moving Torb. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants they chose a new form for him—that of a giant Sloar. Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day, I can tell you."

What the heck is a 'sloar?' My inclination is that the writers just made it up, but might it be some sort of kiln or 'death-sauna?'


Anonymous said...

"...dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria."

Let's see, here's a definition. Urban Dictionary defines sloar as... (Damn, you Dave!) okay, never mind what urban dictinary defines it as.

My gut feeling is it's some form of beast that has a fiery stomach. Like a dragon that's fire source is actually it's stomach instead of a seperate gland. The writers definately made the word up.

Do you think that 'the Traveler' he refers to could be a form of the King in Yellow? (I haven't seen the movie in awhile. It's possible that 'the traveler' is actually the thing that becomes marshmellow man. In which case, I'd say, no, not Hastur.)

SpuneDagr said...

'The Traveler' is Gozer, AKA the marshmallow man.

SpuneDagr said...

What if he DID mean the Urban Dictionary's definition of 'sloar?'

Anonymous said...

Then, um, the Meketrex supplicants have dirty minds? Maybe I better check to see if Urban Dictionary has a different definition for "roasted in the depths".

Anonymous said...

You tell me what a Shub is and then you can ask about Sloar!