Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wedding Bands

We picked up our wedding bands yesterday. Mine is surprisingly heavy. It may be that, of all the transitions I will make when I am given "husband" status, the wearing a jewelry will take the most getting used to.

Also, we bought a camcorder. The bride-to-be wants to make a wedding/reception/Hawaii video. It should be noted that we do not have the correct cord to connect this thing to the computer, nor do we have a DVD burner. "Family Christmas Gift" here we come.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

November Fifth Nears

I have never been more terrified in my entire life. A major milestone of life is coming up VERY soon and then it will pass. A chunk of my life will be over. Granted, a new one is beginning, and that's very exciting, but as change often is, it is freaking scary.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Movie, Bad Movie

Serenity is all it promises to be. It takes a series cut down before its time and makes it awesome again. Loose ends are tied, and those that aren't are simply cut off, so to speak. Joss reveals things fans of the series always wanted to know, and makes it a big deal.
This movie is good; intrinsically better than the Star Wars prequals (those have enough going for them that they don't need to be as good, unfortunately). It's better if you've seen the TV show. Knowing the characters intimately makes their changes and growth mean much more.

See this movie, or even better, watch the entire (14 episode) series, then see the movie.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy stinks. If you ever read the oft-quoted Slashdot review, its pretty much dead-on. Attempting to walk into this film with an open mind was difficult, having heard the things I have, but I did my best.
Rarely do I leave a movie unfinished, but I can add this one to that short list. The characters (and the story) meander about the galaxy with no purpose in mind. (They actually have a goal, or so they say, but it must not be terribly important or they would have tried to attain it.) Clever bits were altered to be less clever, and other things were intentionally changed so they made no sense.

Don't see this movie.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

City of Villains Beta

The City of Villains beta non-disclosure agreement was lifted today. I am now allowed to tell cool things I've seen while testing the game.

Brute: Definitely my kinda guy. You smash things, and the faster you smash, and the more guys attacking you, the more damage you do (up to triple normal!)
Mastermind: You get henchman who do your bidding, including soldiers, zombies, robots, or ninjas. You get to name them and you can make 'em say stuff. I look forward to setting up complex macros of them arguing with each other, etc.

I've been doing this for two weeks and those are the only archtypes I've played. I've been trying to get up to the point where I can create my own Supergroup and build a base. Mission accomplished this evening. However, base editing is non-functional right now, so I can't play with it. Puh.

So, uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I didn't mention anything that people didn't know before.

AirZooka update! My coworker did indeed make a working fanzooka out of a plastic disposable cup and a latex glove. Not as mighty as the trashcan-sized version, but cool nonetheless.

Monday, October 10, 2005


The art department where I work is a war zone. The two guys on either side of me are equipped with nurf suction-dart guns that they have modified to a frightening degree (extra rubberbands all over them, etc).

Out of place without a weapon, I purchased the AirZooka. Of course, the first thing they wanted to do when I brought it in was supe it up. We tried a number of modifications, but none increased the weapon's potency. One guy vowed to build his own from scratch this evening. I'll post updates on how that turns out.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Beginning of the End

I write this thing for me, so I shouldn't feel guilty about not updating. I promised myself that I would never post about not having anything to post about. I also tried my very darndest to never start my opening sentances with the word "I."

That's three broken promises. That hurts, Dave.