Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I want to create a German-Mexican fusion restaurant so I can call it Taco Schnell.

Monday, November 20, 2006

No nose hath smelt...

I thought I knew the depths of stink. Both of our basement toilets spewed forth a dizzying cloud of sewer gas today. We tried to ignore it at first, but we were soon overwhelmed and had to stand outside. The poor intern is cleaning it up. Poor, poor redshirt.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

First Recorded Emoticon?

Could this link show evidence of the first recorded emoticon?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Quantum Cryptography

Somehow, I fail to see how this quantum cryptography thingy is a big deal. Isn't it just a really good random number generator?

Warning: Ignorance Alert! This is merely my layperson understanding of how this works...
If I want to decode an encrypted message, I need three things:
  1. The encoded message.

  2. The method used to encode it.

  3. The encryption key (usually a number or a word).

Say, for example, I send a secret message to my friend Ruteger. "Meet me at Steak and Shake. You're buying." I run it through my encryption machine with the key "857312." Even if someone intercepted the message and knew my encryption method, they would still need the key. In this case, the key is rather short and a computer could guess it with trial and error.

But wait... Why not generate the number with a photon? Photons can make random numbers using SCIENCE! Now, instead of the pseudo-random number key "857312," I can now have a truly random number key: "2287937."

The amount of work done by the spy is the same. Am I missing something here? Do I have a fundamentally flawed understanding of cryptography? (likely)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

City of Heroes: Wings

Holy cow, these look amazing; the animators really did their homework. After seeing them on the test server, I'll probably put these on a lot more characters than would strictly make sense. Winged robot AWAY!

YouTube video.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Prestige

Awesome movie. It's sort of a murder mystery with a SHOCKING TWIST! Two magicians with a bitter rivalry are always trying to one-up each other, with deadly and awesome consequences. Seriously, best film I've seen in a while.

Also, Nikola Tesla is in it.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I can't wait for SPORE to come out. This game would seem to be everything I've ever wanted. Hopefully you can put lights and smokestacks on your critters, so I can make this: